Top Activity Places

Spiegelven Golf Club
Phone: 32 (0)
Rondom het "Spiegelven" - een natuurlijk ven dat door de buurtbewoners steevast het "Spiegelken van den hemel" werd genoemd- drapeerde archtitect Ron Kirby een ... more

Millennium Golf
Phone: 32 13 61 89 50
The Vilamoura Millennium Golf Course is particularly open , although some holes (from the 3rd - see our head picture - to the 7th) wind between pine trees and ... more

Kempense Golf Club
Phone: +32 14 81 62 34
Kempense Golf Club has 18 holes which is located in Kiezelweg 78, 2400 Mol, Belgium

Flanders Nippon Golf And Business Club
Phone: +32 11 26 34 84
18 - 9Near centre of Hasselt

Limburg Golf & Country Club
Phone: 32 (0)89 383 543
Limburg Golf & Country Club was founded in 1966 by a group of golf aficionados, all based in Limburg, who were members of the golf club at Sart-Tilman. The ... more