Gunung Kawi
Gunung Kawi (Poet Mountain), Tampaksiring (18 km northeast from Ubud). 7AM-5PM daily. Dating from the eleventh century, this is presumed to be the burial complex of King Anak Wungsu and his many wives. Reached by climbing down 371 steps, the location at the bottom of a steep valley lined with paddy fields, is quite stunning. The smaller complex on the south side of the river is presumed to have been built for the King's wives, while the larger complex is thought to have been the residence of the King himself, and perhaps his concubines. The structures are carved into the sides of a steep river valley, and the river crossed by twisting trees and vines. You must take off your shoes before entering into the central pura complex. About 1 km downstream there are further tomb cloisters. On the way back up, take a break at Cafe Kawi which has cold drinks for Rp 10,000 and up. If you haggle for a taxi from Ubud, it should cost no more than Rp 150,000 to get there and back, with the driver waiting for you while you make the visit. Rp 15,000 including sarong and sash rental.