See all Churches in Haifa Haifa for: Adventure, Food And Dining, Art And Culture, Nightlife, Spa, History, First Timers, Family, Romance, Shopping Greek Orthodox Church Haifa (כנסיה יוונית אורתודוכסית חיפה) 3 HaParsim St., at Allenby St. About Church Add to Wish List 3 wishlists
Travelers also viewed these places similar to Greek Orthodox Church Haifa (כנסיה יוונית אורתודוכסית חיפה) Sisters of Nazareth Convent, Shefara'am St. Elias Cathedral (קתדרלת אליהו הנביא) Maronite church Of the Annunciation, Nazareth The Mother Church Of The Holy Spirit
If you have been to Greek Orthodox Church Haifa (כנסיה יוונית אורתודוכסית חיפה), share your experience Review this place