Restaurants in Gothenburg

Restaurang Frågetecknet
Restaurang Frågetecknet (name literally meaning a question mark) offers a ...

A La Grecque
The Greek kitchen is a safe kitchen and seductive and sensual as getting. ...
5 shortlists Shortlist

Kock & Vin
Kock & Vin, Swedish and French cuisine with a warm, welcoming atmosphere in...
$ 45 Average Cost Shortlist

Eva's Paley
Evas Paley, a landmark cafe located near the top of the Avenue. The cafe is...
1 shortlists Shortlist

Yammy Kitchen
Yammy serves an affordable lunch buffet with everything from stir fries to ...
58 shortlists Shortlist

Papa Joes Restaurang
Papa Joe's location is unbeatable, especially popular among tourists. The ...
$ 195 Average Cost Shortlist
Pasta Plus
Typical pasta place with red-and-white chequered tablecloths and a variety ...
50 shortlists Shortlist