See all golfing in Wiesloch
Golf- und Landclub Wiesloch-Hohenhardter Hof 1983 e.V.
Golf- und Landclub Wiesloch-Hohenhardter Hof 1983 e.V. Hohenhardter Hof D-69168 Wiesloch-Baiertal Phone: +49 62 22 7 88 11-0 Average Price: $ 32 per personAbout
This 18-hole course is situated on the premises of the Hohenhardter Hof, a former knights' estate in Wiesloch-Baiertal. The manor of the former knights' estate is at the centre of the 120-acre course, rounding off the overall picture of the course in the sloped landscape of the Kraichgau.
Green fee for sat,sun,holiday(9 holes €40,18 holes €70).