Get eaten by a bear
Get eaten by a bear - certainly a life's experience. The huge forests that stretch out towards Poiana Brasov and Predeal are home to many wild bears. If you tent at night in the wrong place you might make a new hairy friend. Warning: Bears are really dangerous, and camping in Cheile Rasnoavei might result in an encounter. Unless you camp at the entrance of the canyon, on the field side of Rasnov, in a fenced camping or in a yard, you expose yourself to the life threatening situation of being visited by a rude bear who will disregard your gun, stick, fire, ninja sword, pepper spray or air gun. Bears go out at night. Walking in the forests during the day is safe, and a common practice for locals. If you encounter a bear at night it is looking for food, which is not you, but all the veggies (or, if it is starving, the meat) you are traveling with. Let it do its feeding and retreat slowly.