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Gazala's Place
709 9th Ave Phone: ☎ +1 212 245-0709About
Gazala's Place, 709 9th Ave (Between 48th and 49th Sts.), ☎ +1 212 245-0709, [15]. Sun-Fri: 11am-11pm Sat: 11am-midnight. Dependably delicious Israeli Druze cuisine. Their babaganush is categorically better than at most other places, with great smokiness. Their special meze platter, which is not on the menu but seems to always be available, is a fair deal at $20-something. The restaurant is a bit cramped, especially when you have to walk through the kitchen to the restroom, but for food this good at these kinds of prices this close to Times Square and helpful service, it's really worthwhile. Mezes: $5-$9.95; Soups: $4.50; Salads: $7.50-8:50; Breads and savory pies: $4.50-$5.50; Sandwiches: $3.50-6.00; Entrees: $8.95-$17.95; Desserts: $5.50-9.50.