Ganj Goli

Latur Center, Latur, Maharashtra, India Phone: Not available


Ganj Golai  is a construction located in the heart of  Latur City ,  India .  The famous 'Ganjgolai' being the central place of the city. The town planner Shri Faiyajuddin prepared the plan for the 'Ganjgolai'. The main building of the Ganj Golai is a huge two-storeyed structure which was constructed in the year 1917. In the middle of the circular structure is the temple of Goddess Jagdamba. There are 16 roads connecting to this Ganj Golai and along these roads are separate markets selling all kinds of traditional localware such as gold ornaments to footwears and food items from chilli to jaggery. Thus, the 'Ganjgolai' has become the main commercial and trade centre of this city.

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