Top Places to Visit
Red Rock Museum
Red Rock Museum, 300 W. Rt. 66, is affiliated with the park and has historical and cultural displays.

Red Rock State Park
Red Rock State Park [3] is just outside town and features colorful scenery. Hiking and camping are possible, and there are several special events during the ... more
Top Places to Eat
McDonald's. Several locations in town. Might seem odd to list, but if you have never been to New Mexico before stop at a McDonald's and ask for a green chile ... more
Grandma's. One block north of Hwy 40 on third street. Small place, very authentic. Very good red and green chile but go with the red. Averages around $9 a plate...
El Metate
El Metate, 610 West Mesa Ave. Wow - little family owned, Mexican restaurant. Uber authentic.
Earl's Restaurant
Earl's Restaurant, 1400 E. Highway 66, +1 505 863-4201. Open 6 AM-9 PM 7 days (Fridays until 9:30, Sundays until 4 PM). A long-time local favorite serving a ... more
Top Places for Nightlife