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Avenida da Republica 14About
Wedged in between tired looking office blocks on one of the city's widest avenues, Galeto's flashing neon façade appears somewhat incongruous against its drab neighbours' concrete veneers. The luminous calling card is enough is prompt further investigation and once through the door visitors are met by one of the most extraordinary vintage interiors in Lisbon. It's pure mid-1960s and the nearest the Portuguese have to a genuine American diner. It's a big place. Seating is by way of individual stools propped up against long wooden counters – there are no booths here! The simple menu errs heavily towards beef – the hamburger and fries is staple fare. More substantial meals are listed but the whole point of Galeto is that's it's a late night venue, where midnight snacks nourish hungry insomniacs. Despite their black bow ties and burgundy waistcoats, the waiters may not be the politest you'll meet so best just to indulge in the retro setting. © NileGuide2011 Whether you are looking to have dinner, a quick bite to eat or a snack, this is the restaurant to visit. Galeto is well known in Lisbon for both its friendly, courteous service and for the fact that it is open late. The dishes are varied and cater to all tastes.