Fuera de Pista

Avenida Apoquindo 5226


If you enjoy hurtling down the ski slopes and everything else connected with mountains and snow; or you are hooked to the thrill of delicately balancing on a surfboard on top of a high Pacific roller; or you just want a relaxing game of volleyball on the beach, this shop should satisfy all your sport and recreational needs. The owner also offers an information and contact service to help you reach the most important ski runs in the country, such as Valle Nevado or Farellones close to Santiago; or the main beaches for surf board enthusiasts, such as those found at Pichilemu, a coastal village a four to five hour drive south-east of Santiago: those of Retoque and Reñaca to the north-east of Santiago near Viña del Mar: and not forgetting the beaches located in the North of Chile.

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