Afghan Ecke Restaurant The Afghan Ecke is a very popular place with locals in Freiburg, located at... Shortlist
Markthalle Restaurant A very interesting and cheap place to eat is the Markthalle also close to ... Shortlist
Brennessel Restaurant The Brennessel [7], Atlantik [8] and Walfisch [9] are places where you can ... Shortlist
Fast Food Restaurant For fast food, check out the area around the Martinstor (sometimes known as... Shortlist
Mensa Drei Restaurant Mensa Drei (Niemenstraße 7) has good currywurst. You can choose how hot (... Shortlist
Harmonie Restaurant Harmonie (Grünwälderstraße 16-18, Tel: 0761 2025676) offers a mix of ... Shortlist
Tacheles Restaurant Tacheles (Grünwaldstrasse, Tel 0761 3196669) claims to have 300 varieties ... Shortlist
Kartoffelhaus Restaurant Kartoffelhaus(Basler Straße 10, Tel: 0 76 1 7 20 01) is a charming, cosy ... Shortlist