FortWhyte Alive

1961 McCreary Rd Phone: ☎ (204) 989-8355


FortWhyte Alive, 1961 McCreary Rd (Tuxedo), ☎ (204) 989-8355 (info@fortwhyte), [59]. 9am-5pm Mon-Fri; 10am-5pm Sat-Sun; extended summer and fall. 640-acre nature centre showcasing a 30-head bison prairie herd, 5 lakes, 7km of trails, bird feeding stations, tipi encampment and more.  

Useful Tips

"learn about how bison shaped the prairies and if you're brave, try the bison lasagna!"

"unless you like to fly!"

"delicious breakfasts."

Avoid doing this

"beware the wheel gobbling rut at the bottom of the hill at lyon pkwy entrance"

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