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Fiddlers Retreat
Loughmore Village, Templemore, Tipperary, Republic of Ireland Phone: T: +353(0)868099661
Fiddlers Retreat, Irish Music and Culture Courses offer you a unique opportunity to experience a holiday with a difference, taking in many of the cultural aspects of Ireland. There are 2 course options available for you to choose from:*The Appreciation Course is ideal for people wanting to enjoy a wide variety of cultural activities *The Irish Fiddle Course is devised for people who specifically want to focus on learning Irish Style of Fiddle playing and enjoy other cultural activities during the week. The activities during the courses include a combination of the following: Irish music classes (beginners Tin Whistle tuition on The Appreciation Course and all levels of tuition on the Irish Fiddle Course), Irish language workshops, escorted tours to the scenic and historic sights of the area, outings to local sporting events, cookery demonstrations, night-time Traditional Irish music sessions. The course director is Theresa Bourke, teacher and former violinist with Bru Boru and Lord of the Dance. Fiddlers Retreat is open throughout the year and is based in Co. Tipperary.