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Váci utca 67 Phone: ☎ 266-2607 Cuisines: Authentic LocalAbout
Fatál, Váci utca 67, ☎ 266-2607. Possibly the one place worth going to on Váci utca. Popular with tourists and locals alike, although advanced travellers report it's too touristy. Located in an atmospheric cellar, the foreboding name means "wooden platter" in Hungarian, and refers to the plates that the ridiculously huge portions are served on — an order of goose with dumplings, for example, will lead to an entire goose being deposited on your plate. Takeaway bags are provided on request if you can't finish it all. In solidly meat-eating Hungary, this is also one of the few places where you can sample vegetarian versions of dishes like goulash. Reservations are essential for lunch- or dinner-time visits. Prices have risen but remain affordable (main course 1500-2500 ft).