Cities in Slovakia
Ochtina, Slovakia
Ochtiná (Hungarian: Martonháza) is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia.
Ruzomberok, Slovakia
Ružomberok ( pronunciation (help·info); German: Rosenberg; Hungarian: Rózsahegy; Polish: Rużomberk) is a town in northern Slovakia, in the historical Liptov ... more

Senica, Slovakia
Senica (German: Senitz, Hungarian: Szenice) is a town in Trnava Region, western Slovakia. It is located in the north-eastern part of the Záhorie lowland, close ...
Stara Lesna, Slovakia
Stará Lesná or "Old Forest" is a village and municipality in Kežmarok District in the Prešov Region in north-central Slovakia. Stará Lesná is located in an area... more

Strecno, Slovakia
Strečno is a village and municipality in the Žilina District in the Žilina Region in North Slovakia. It is located by the Váh River in the Malá Fatra Mts. ... more

Vlkolinec, Slovakia
Vlkolínec, Slovakia, is a picturesque village under the administration of the town of Ružomberok. Historically, however, it was a separate village. The first ... more

Cadca, Slovakia
Čadca ( pronunciation (help·info); until 1918 Čatca, Czača) is a district town in northern Slovakia, near the border with Poland and the Czech Republic.

Samorin, Slovakia
Šamorín (Hungarian: Somorja, German: Sommerein) is a small town in western Slovakia, southeast of Bratislava. According to Igor Adamec and Martin Vanek, the ... more
Vlachovo, Slovakia
Vlachovo (Hungarian: Oláhpatak, German: Lambsdorf) is a village and municipality in the Rožňava District in the Košice Region of middle-eastern Slovakia. Lajos ...
Vranov Nad Topl'ou, Slovakia
Vranov nad Topľou (Slovak before 1927 and from 1944-1969: Vranov; German: Frö(h)nel / Vronau an der Töpl (rare); Hungarian: Varannó) is a city of approximately ... more
Vrutky, Slovakia
Vrútky (German: Ruttek (rare); Hungarian: Ruttka) is a town in northern Slovakia, close to the city of Martin. It lies in the historic Turiec region.
Vysne Ruzbachy, Slovakia
Vyšné Ružbachy is a spa village and municipality in Stará Ľubovňa District in the Prešov Region of northern Slovakia.
Brezova Pod Bradlom, Slovakia
Brezová pod Bradlom (German: Birkenhain; Hungarian: Berezó) is a town in the Myjava District, Trenčín Region, western Slovakia, at the western foothills of the ... more
Skalica, Slovakia
Skalica (German: Skalitz, Hungarian: Szakolca, Latin: Sakolcium) is the largest city in Skalica District in western Slovakia in the Záhorie region. Located near... more

Sturovo, Slovakia
Štúrovo (Hungarian: Párkány, German: Gockern, Turkish: Ciğerdelen) is a town in Slovakia, situated on the River Danube. Its population in 2005 was 11,172.
Zlata Idka, Slovakia
Zlatá Idka (German: Goldeneidten; Hungarian: Aranyida) is a village and municipality in Košice-okolie District in the Košice Region of eastern Slovakia.

Medzilaborce, Slovakia
Medzilaborce (Hungarian: Mezőlaborc, Ukrainian: Меджилабірці, Medzhylabirtsi, Rusyn: Меджильабірці, Medžilabirci) is a town in northeastern Slovakia close to ... more
Nove Mesto Nad Vahom, Slovakia
Nové Mesto nad Váhom (German: Neustadt an der Waag, Neustadtl, Waag-Neustadtl, Waagneustadtl, Waag-Neustadt; Hungarian: Vágújhely, Vág-Újhely) is a town in the ...

Michalovce, Slovakia
Michalovce ( pronunciation (help·info); Hungarian: Nagymihály, German: Großmichel, Romani: Mihalya, Yiddish: Mikhaylovets or Mykhaylovyts; Ukrainian: Михайлівці... more

Terchova, Slovakia
Terchová is a large village and municipality (population 4,073) in the Malá Fatra mountains in the Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.
Cerveny Kamen, Slovakia
Červený Kameň (Hungarian: Vöröskő) is a village and municipality in Ilava District in the Trenčín Region of north-western Slovakia.
Cicmany, Slovakia
Čičmany (Hungarian: Csicsmány, German: Zimmermannshau) is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia. It is known ... more

Namestovo, Slovakia
Námestovo (Hungarian: Námesztó; Polish: Namiestowo) is a town in northern Slovakia. It is the capital and largest town of Námestovo District in the Žilina ... more
Roznava, Slovakia
Rožňava (Hungarian: Rozsnyó, German: Rosenau, Latin: Rosnavia) is a town in Slovakia, approximately 71 km by road from Košice in the Košice Region, and has a ...
Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia
Banská Štiavnica [1] is a preserved medieval city in Slovakia and an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Gabcikovo, Slovakia
Gabčíkovo (Hungarian: Bős, Hungarian pronunciation:[’bøːʃ]) is a municipality (village) in Slovakia. It has around 5,100 inhabitants of whom 90% are Hungarians.
Rajecka Lesna, Slovakia
Rajecká Lesná is a village and municipality in Žilina District in the Žilina Region of northern Slovakia.