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Energex Playasaurus Place
Grey Street Corner of Melbourne Street South Brisbane Queensland 4101 Australia Phone: 61 07 3840 7555 Timings: Christmas Day: Closed; Good Friday: Closed; Note: From 0930 to 1700 daily.
Energex Playasaurus Place is a fun hands-on space to explore energy in your world. We use energy to move, to work and to play. We plug in appliances at home and eat food to get energy for our bodies. We even talk about energy; how to reduce how much we use and how to make energy cost less. T-rex and Triceratops will start your adventure, as they welcome you to Energex Playasaurus Place. Step back in time to discover how dinosaurs lived and moved and find out what these huge dinosaurs ate to get energy for their bodies. T-rex's teeth will give you a clue! From the past to the present, put yourself in the energy picture. Choose food for energy and explore how simple home appliances are energy hungry. Make choices to balance your home energy and challenge your friends on the energy bikes. Under the hungry eyes of T-rex, think about the future and commit at the Energy Action Wall to make choices to live more sustainably. Discover the all new Energex Playasaurus Place.