

Planning a visit to Paris or just curious... when was the Eiffel Tower built The Eiffel tower in Paris was inaugurated on 31 March 1889. It was the keystone of the Universal Exposition celebrating the hundredth anniversary of the French Revolution. Who built the Eiffel Tower It was built by Gustave Eiffel. With 2 million visitors the first year and almost 6 million people a year today, the Eiffel Tower is a real crowd pleaser. At the crossroads of the entire world, 180 million visitors have come since its construction. It's not surprising when you consider the Eiffel Tower is the monument that best symbolizes Europe. It's also the one tourists prefer. See further down the address of the eiffel tower. More than 100 years after the Eiffel tower was built, its technology, especially the lift and elevator system, remains amazing.... Visit the Eiffel tower and learn more about its history and amazing technology The Eiffel Tower in Paris was built by Gustave Eiffel in just 26 months. It took 18,038 parts, 3,000 workshop drawings, 700 engineering plans and 2,500,000 rivets to raise this structure weighing 7,300 tons and measuring 1,050 feet high. It was inaugurated in March 1889, at the Universal Exhibition. It caused a violent polemic, meeting nearly unanimous hostility from the Parisian artistic world. Once the Tower was finished the criticism burnt itself out in the presence of the completed masterpiece, and in the light of the enormous popular success with which it was greeted. It received two million visitors during the World's Fair of 1889.

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