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Travelers also viewed these places similar to 新濟州豆腐鍋
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Review this placePlaces to visit nearby
- Taiwan Storeland (0.8 km)
- 台灣省城隍廟 (1.2 km)
- 有記名茶 Wang Tea (0.8 km)
Places to eat nearby
- 魔法咖哩 Magic Curry 台北凱撒店 (0.8 km)
- 平成十九日式料理 (0.1 km)
- 長春素食 (0.7 km)
Places to shop nearby
- 0416X1024 (0.1 km)
- Hands Tailung Q Square (0.5 km)
- Design Tshirts Store graniph (0.1 km)