
พระจุฑาธุชราชฐาน, ถนนอัษฎางค์, 20120 Phone: +6634216412 Average Price: $ 2 per person


King Rama V had graciously.  To build a bridge into the sea at Laem Wang.  Forward with the initiative that the district court.  The shrine at high tide into trouble.  Sometimes cockles Bad  This bridge was ordered built.  King called  Extensive bridge  A large harbor bridge  Built of painted wood  There are signs for the bridge, both in Thailand Chinese-English text follows.  "Extensive bridge  110 created the Rama 5 of Rattanakosin era ".  , His Majesty King Rama V ordered.  To the task brilliantly Wong Employ pervading her memoirs come out to the wood.  Maintain statistics as defense  The sting and feathers, stones and with the formation antenna bridge, then use the force employed some.  The craftsmen some merit criteria  Bush was a merchant prince Rintranurak the medicine she made the example of God Health Department Store thousand supakig chief engineer.  Now think of all the works completed to date have embarked on a period of about 30 days debris.
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