Dong Bei Ren
He Qun Y1i Ma Lu 65-7
Cuisines: Chinese, Asian
One of the most successful chains in the region, Dong Bei Ren offers the opportunity to try northern cuisine in a southern city. I highly recommend that you sample as many different kinds of jiaozi (resembling miniature ravioli) as possible. So many carts will come wheeling past your table that you may not even need to consult a menu; rest assured that you will not be disappointed by the selection. Accompany it with great-value fresh fruit juices or even a sweet red wine that might surprise with its potency. The bright flowery uniforms and decor should make branches easy to spot, but watch out for the copycats that are springing up. Additional branches at Tian He Nan Er Lu 36 (tel. 020/8750-1711), Taojin Bei Lu 2/F (tel. 020/8357-1576), and Lanbaoshi building of Renmin Bei Lu (tel. 020/8135-1711).