Madklubben Tivoli Restaurant Expectations are high for Tivoli's brand-new Madklubben ('the food club'), ... Shortlist
Crazy Chicken Restaurant Crazy Chicken, Rosenvængets Allé 1, ☎ +45 35 26 41 42. 10AM-10PM daily. ... Shortlist
Morgenstedet Restaurant Morgenstedet, Fabriksområdet 134, [12]. Tu-Su:noon-9PM. Morgenstedet is a ... Shortlist
7-eleven Restaurant 7-Eleven, many street corners, especially near train stations. Yes, it's 7-... Shortlist
Øbro Spisehus Restaurant Øbro Spisehus, Øster Farimagsgade 16A, ☎ +45 35 43 23 30, [40]. Tu-Sa 6PM-... Shortlist
Murdoch's Book And Ale Restaurant Many of the patrons of this relatively inexpensive old-fashioned pub ... Shortlist
Bang Og Jensen Restaurant A long-standing favorite with the local Vesterbro crowd of students and ... Shortlist
Burger & Bun Restaurant Opened in summer 2010 by the folk behind Nørrebro's Michelin-starred Thai ... Shortlist
Pastis Fishmarket Restaurant Around the corner from busy Kongens Nytorv square, Pastis Fishmarket is the... Shortlist
Chico's Cantina Restaurant One of Copenhagen's many Mexican restaurants, this is a good choice for a ... Shortlist
Søllerød Kro Restaurant Søllerød Kro, Søllerødvej 35, Holte (Bus 195 from Holte Station to Søllerød... Shortlist
Tea Restaurant Tea (Chinese), Helgolandsgade 2, ☎ +45 33 24 58 58. Daily: noon-11PM. Don't... Shortlist
Bento Restaurant Bento (Japanese), Helgolandsgade 16, ☎ +45 88 71 46 46, [24]. Tu-Sa 5PM-... Shortlist
La Galette Restaurant La Galette, Larsbjørnsstræde 9 (in the back court), ☎ +45 33323790, [61]. ... Shortlist