Cold Creek Trout Camp, 4711 Venice Road, +1 419-621-7900, [6]. It is not likely you will find another spot like this. Located at the mouth of Cold Creek, where the waters enter Sandusky Bay, at the west edge of Sandusky. The waters originate south in Castalia, Ohio at a large cavernous natural spring known as The Blue Hole, which, mysteriously seems to have no bottom. A one time the Blue Hole was open to the public and had a large fish breeding operation, adjacent to a state fish hatchery. The waters stay at a constant tempature of 48 degrees year around and never freezes, making for a perfect year around fishing spot. Trout were first introduced into Clear Creek in 1873 and have thrived since then. There is a healthy population of rainbow, brook and brown trout as well as Coho Salmon, Steelhead and northern pike.