Coskun Balik is at the east entrance of Karamursel town, at the highway Izmit-Yalova. It is a a low celing, single-storey wooden building. At the back side, there is a small beach at the cost of Marmara Sea. Daytime in summer you can watch people swimming and sunbathing through the windows. Inner of the walls are completelly covered with wood paneling and decorated with the shells of bigh fished and sea animals. And from the ceiling, large fish nets are suspended. With all the decorations it is a typical fish restaurant. Even in it, there are one or two dead trees once were alive. For more than fourty years, it serves everyday to the customers coming from Izmit, Yalova, Bursa and even Istanbul. In there grilled sea fish is very popular and tasty. But for me, sea food appatisers are much more delicious. Especially calamar, grilled shrimp and fishballs.