Riobamba is the nearest city to Chimborazo, Ecuador's highest mountain at just about 20,500 feet. To climb it you will need a guide and equipment rentals. There are several tourist agencies in Riobamba where you can get both of these services for a price of about $180 per person for a group of 2 or more. Climbing solo with a guide will cost closer to $250. Climbs leave at about 1 AM in order to summit at sunrise and make the descent by late morning. A round trip should take about 9-10 hours. Even if you're not a mountain climber, it could still be worth a visit: take a coach to the Whymper Lodge, stretch your legs, and boast that you've been further from the earth's centre than the summit of Everest. This is because the earth is not a perfect sphere but an oblate spheroid, i.e. it is a little bit "thicker" near the equator, which makes Chimborazo the furthest mountain from its center. If you're feeling acclimated and adventurous, try walking up to the Second Lodge (no guide needed), about 500 M higher in elevation. You'll have to pay the $10 entrance fee, but the views can be spectacular. Beware, though: 500 meters elevation gain is a lot when you're already 4500 M above sea level. Don't attempt this unless you are physically fit and acclimated to the altitude.