See all Museums in Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Centre
in the very centre of the old city on Prapokklao Rd, between Rajdumnern Rd and Rajwithee Rd Phone: ☎ +66 53 217793About
Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Centre, in the very centre of the old city on Prapokklao Rd, between Rajdumnern Rd and Rajwithee Rd, ☎ +66 53 217793. 08:30-17:00 daily except M. This fully modernised multimedia history and cultural education centre has guides dressed in elegant traditional Thai clothing who will usher you into an air-conditioned room to watch an English-subtitled orientation video about Chiang Mai and the north. Next, you will be pointed to a series of rooms documenting the region's history and culture in chronological order from the pre-Muang period (7,000-12,000 years ago) to the early river civilizations, to the early kings through the wars with the Burmese and the last dynasty, to the city today and its plans for the future. Other rooms are devoted to Buddhism and other regional beliefs, agricultural history, hill tribe peoples and other regional cultures, and a run-down of the royal dynasties. The exhibits consist of a smart visual mix of video, scale models, enlarged photos, wall murals and text in Thai and English. 90 baht.