This is the best meal you will have in Turkey, not only for the food, but also for the eccentricity of the chef. When Evy moved to Kas and opened her own restaurant, it wasn't long before two ominous representatives of organized crime showed up. Evy wouldn't be intimidated and chased the two away by trashing her own bar. She's quite a rich character, and she manages to pour all of that passion into her food. Weather permitting, meals should be taken in the rear garden; if the temperature outside becomes too unbearable, opt for a table in the air-conditioned sark dining room surrounded by years' worth of her collectibles. The menu offers crepes and salads, and one mean chicken curry. Two of my favorite dishes are the calmars à la Provençale (calamari in a spicy tomato sauce) and the filet de boeuf sauce champignons (steak in a mushroom sauce). If you really want to ingratiate yourself, order the steak rare, because she hates to overcook a good piece of meat.