Check-in Procedures, CHANGI AIRPORT
65 Airport Boulevard, #03-11, Singapore 819663About
Check-in starts at least 2 hours before flight departure. The start and end times of check-in operations vary by airline and passengers are advised to check with their airline for information. We recommend that passengers check-in at least 2 hours before their flight. You should have your valid passport, air ticket or booking confirmation, and visa (if applicable) before proceeding for check-in and ensure that your travel documents are in order before leaving the check-in counter.Upon arrival at the airport, please refer to the Flight Information Boards and Plasma Screens (conveniently located beyond the Departure Hall entryways) for your airline's check-in row information. Many airlines offer Early and Off-Airport Check-In options. For greater convenience, check-in "Off-Airport" anywhere you please via the internet or by phone.For more information on the check-in requirements, please consult your airline representative or the ground handling agent. Passengers are also advised to read the New Aviation Security Measures for Hand-Carried Luggage and pack your belongings accordingly before arriving at the airport.