Cerro Santa Lucia

Santiago, Chile


Cerro Santa Lucía is the smaller of two iconic hills in Santiago. From this one, which is located between the Santa Lucia and Bellas Artes' metros, you can see a smaller (yet still expansive) view of downtown, with minimal effort. There is an elevator that will take you part way up along the east side of the hill, though if you want to hike up to the top viewpoint, you'll need sturdy shoes and a decided lack of fear of heights. Much of the road is cobblestoned, and the stairs are uneven and slippery in places. There are a few nice gardens, a pretty moorish-styled plaza, and many places to get a drink or snack. It doesn't take long to get to know Cerro Santa Lucía, but it makes a nice break from the urban landscape, and is worth a visit. There are occasional events at the "castillo," the castle accessed from the east side of the hill, where the pedestrian street Huerfanos ends. Down here you'll also see the stone commemorating that this is where Pedro de Valdivia founded the city.

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