Castell de Bellver. ph 971 73 06 57 or 971 45 12 03, fax 971 45 43 73, web page. Bellver Castle is built on the ruins of a Muslim site. It contains a museum of archaeological finds and classical sculptures, as well as having an excellent view of the bay. One of the most distinct castles in Spain; a 14th century castle set high on a hill. Castell de Bellver offers visitors the best view of the bay of Palma and the entire city of Palma. Known for its uniquely circular form, Castell de Bellver has three large towers, a central courtyard, and other features shown throughout the architecture of the interior and exterior. The greatest way to tour this castle starts with a walk around the moat. Then, proceed to the top of this castle to a patio area to experience glorious architecture. Castell de Bellver is open for visitors daily all year long. It is open on weekdays 8:30 AM to 6 PM, and Sundays and bank holidays 10AM to 5:30 pm. On Mondays the Castell closes earlier (1:30 PM). Admission for Adults is €2.60 and €1.05 for pensioners and students.