Cape Leveque Wilderness and Aboriginal Communities by 4WD

PMB 8, Cape Leveque, Via Broome WA 6725, Australia ‎ Phone: +61 8 9192 4970 Average Price: $ 228 per person


Cape Leveque is the northernmost tip of the Dampier Peninsula in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Cape Leveque is 240 km north of Broome, and is remote with few facilities. Nevertheless, the Cape's sandy beaches are attracting an increasing number of visitors. A 13-metre-tall lighthouse was erected at Cape Leveque in 1912. Its light characteristic is a group of three flashes that occurs every twenty seconds whereby the light source emits from a focal plane of 43 m.The lighthouse marks the western entrance of King Sound. Cape Leveque was a camping ground for ancient nomadic people of Northern Australia and probably is still being used today. Their huge middens over shadow the small caravan park resting on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Wild turtle and a multitude of sea birds nest on the shores and collect sea food off the exposed rocks at low tide along the shore down the coast to Broome in the Southern part of the peninsula. Whales come to give birth in the area and rest and play among the sheltered islands off the Dampier

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