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Review this placePlaces to visit nearby
- Gestapo Headquarters (Mauzoleum Walki i Meczenstwa) (0.8 km)
- Museum of War and Martyrology (0.8 km)
- Kościół Najświętszego Zbawiciela (0.4 km)
Things to do nearby
- Church of the Saviour (Kosciol Zbawiciela) (0.4 km)
- Galeria Asymetria (0.9 km)
- Karnawal (Carnival) (1 km)
Places to eat nearby
- Rue de Paris (0.9 km)
- Saffron Spices (0.2 km)
- Soul Kitchen (0.2 km)
Places to shop nearby
- Ania Kuczyńska (0.8 km)
- Złote Tarasy (1.2 km)
- New Look (1.2 km)