Comunidad Ñukanchi Kausay
Phone: ☎ 093867367 or 087873316
Ñawpak Causay, Comunidad Ñukanchi Kausay (Kilometer 25 via Tena-Ahuano), ☎ 093867367 or 087873316, [1]. tours by request - $2. Nawpak Causay means "the traditional way of life" in Ecuador's indigenous language of Kichwa. This tourist attraction is an outdoor museum of life-sized traps which have traditionally been used by indigenous people of the Amazon for hunting (and even warfare!). All the traps are built by the community members out of all-natural rainforest materials, and are activated in demonstrations during the tour! The end of the tour involves a taste of guayusa tea - known by indigenous people for it's numerous health benefits, and a chance to try out a tratitional 4 foot blowdart! Call and ask to speak to Gregorio about the "trampas tipicas" Getting There: 1) you can go to the plaza in Misahualli and find Carlos Lastra, who will take you there via boat along the napo river (very beautiful, and you can also visit the Amozoonico zoo afterward). He will arrange all the details 2) you can hop on a bus going to Ahuano and ask them to let you off at Ñukanchi Kausay, or you can get dropped off at Jatun Sacha and check that out before walking over to the Nukanchi Kausay (only a 5 minute walk down the road). 3) I think you can also go there tubing from either Tena or Misahualli - ask around. Gregorio is also well versed in Amazonian medicinal plants, and leads a number of exciting jungle walks to see and talk about medicinal plants, shamism, and various jungle animals. If you have some time, stick around for a while. The community even has a bar.