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Bukit Timah Nature Reserve
177 Hindhede Drive, Singapore 589333, Singapore Phone: 011-65-6468-5736About
Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, Hindhede Drive. At 166 meters this is Singapore's highest point if you don't count the city's skyscrapers. It is also one of the last places in Singapore that is home to the original primary tropical rainforest that used to cover the entire island. You can scale the hill in 15 minutes if you follow the paved road (boring) or 45-50 minutes if you do it the long way around (more interesting). Watch out for monkeys! Don't expect a stunning view from the top, though. Almost nothing can be seen through the thick trees. Take SBS bus 170 or SMRT 67, 75, 171, 173, 184, 852 and 961 to the Courts department store on Upper Bukit Timah Rd and walk. Free.