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Bhai Vir Singh Memorial Museum
Lawrence Rd, White Avenue, Amritsar, Punjab 143001 Phone: Not Available www.bvsss.orgAbout
Bhai Vir Singh Niwas Asthan and Memorial Hall, Amritsar
On the numerous requests to build a suitable memorial at Amritsar, Bhai Sahib's brother Dr. Balbir Singh, an eminent scholar and philosopher gave the land and the house at Amritsar to the Sadan, which had been Bhai Sahib's residence for many years. A simple and elegant memorial hall at Amritsar, where Bhai Sahib spent most of the years of his life and wrote some of his beautiful works has been built. The residential portion of the Niwas Asthan of Bhai Sahib is being preserved as a monument. Some rare paintings and coloured photographs duly mounted have been displayed in the Niwas Asthan. The Lawrence Road, Amritsar, where the Niwas Asthan is located, has been renamed as Bhai Vir Singh Marg.