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Belle Meade Plantation
5025 Harding Rd Phone: ☎ +1 615 356 0501About
Belle Meade Plantation, 5025 Harding Rd, ☎ +1 615 356 0501 (+ 1 800-270-3991 group sales), [21]. Tours by costumed guides available M-Sa 9:30AM-4PM, Su 11:30AM-4PM. Featuring the mansion built in 1853 and restored, as well as the carriage house from 1890 and one of the oldest log cabins in Tennessee, built in 1790. There is a great deal of history associated with the plantation starting from before the American Civil War. Excellent, highly interesting guided tours of the plantation mansion are offered by the local heritage society. $11, Seniors $10, Children 6-12 $5, Children under 6, Free.