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Batavia Stad
Bataviaplein 60 8242 PN LELYSTAD Phone: 0320 292 900 Timings: Mo -Su: 10:00 - 18:00 hour
Batavia Stad means smart shopping in style for lovers of name-brand fashion. Discover more than 100 shops that offer discounts of between 30% and 70% off their collections.Here you'llfind more than 250 major brands in one place, including children's clothes,sporting goods, menswear, lingerie, shoes, cosmetics, chocolates, interiordesign and more. Every day there are special offers, discounts and promotionsand more to make the most of your trip.BataviaStad offers great values in a relaxed location in Lelystad. It is open 7 days aweek from 10:00 to 18:00.In &around Batavia StadFeel theneed to re-charge during your shopping spree or simply fancy a bite to eat You can visit one of the many cafés or restaurants for coffee and cake, asatisfying lunch or a 3-course meal.Besidesshopping, there are plenty of other things to do near Batavia Stad! You canvisit the Batavia Wharf and check out the replica of the 'Batavia' – a Dutch EastIndia Company ship from 1628. The Markermeer (lake) is within walking distance,and you can visit the Nieuw Land (New Land) museum for an introduction to thehistory and reclamation of Flevoland, the youngest province in the Netherlands.