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Review this placePlaces to visit nearby
- Macka Kucukciftlik Park (0.9 km)
- Teşvikiye Camii (0.3 km)
- Askeri Müze ve Kültür Sitesi Komutanlığı (0.5 km)
Things to do nearby
- Gray Line Turkey (1.3 km)
- Linden Pavilion (Ihlamur Kasri) (1 km)
Places to eat nearby
- Midpoint (0.4 km)
- Caffè Nero (0.1 km)
- Saray Muhallebicisi (0.2 km)
Places to shop nearby
- Verda (0.3 km)
- Victoria's Secret Beauty&Accessories (0.1 km)
- Topshop (0.2 km)