
Top Activity Places

Campo De Golf De Candeleda

Campo de Golf de Candeleda Ctra. Del Pantano 05480 Candelada, Avila
Phone: +34 920 380 759

9 holes with water hazards to be extended to 18Candeleda, from Madrid take the A5 Barajas airport: 193 km.

Club De Golf El Fresnillo

Club De Golf El Fresnillo

Club de Golf El Fresnillo Ctra. Antigua de Cebreros, Km 3. - 05002 Ávi...
Phone: +34 920 353 276

18 - with magnificent views, rivers & lakes3km from Avila, Madrid airport: 90 km.

Club De Golf Navaluenga

Club De Golf Navaluenga

Club de Golf Navaluenga Ctra. de Madrid 220 - 05100 Navauenga-Avila, A...
Phone: +34 920 298 040

9 - with a river, lakes & Mediterranean vegetationNavaluenga, in the Alberche Valley, 100km from Madrid Closest airport: Barajas January-June & September-... more

$ 24 average cost