Top Places to Visit
Fine Arts Museum
The Fine Arts museum is fairly unimpressive.
Municipal Museum
The Municipal Museum is modest, but has some tidbits about the old tram line from the 1880s and other civic history. Nearby is the Visual Arts Museum with ...
National Congress
National Congress One of the more impressive new buildings in the city. It was built in 2002 with $20 million from the Republic of China(Taiwan) government. ... more
Backyard Birds
Backyard birds in the city are interesting. There is the Great Kiskadee, Saffron Finch and Hornero. Kiskadee is like a yellow blue jay-- aggressive and large. ... more
Panteón Del Los Heroes
The Panteón del los Heroes houses the tomb of the unknown soldier along with other "heroes" from Paraguay's disastrous wars, as well as plaques for the heroes ... more

National Cathedral
The National Cathedral Across the broad and picturesque plaza with fountains, but it is frequently closed, especially at midday siesta.
Top Places to Eat
Na Eustaqia
Na Eustaqia, 421 Palma, past Lido's and the hall of martyrs, near Burger King. Lower prices than Lido's, and quality food. Very busy for lunch, you may need to ... more

La Vida Verde
La Vida Verde, Palma 634. 9AM-2PM. Good Chinese-vegetarian food. Self-service. Very popular at noon. No more than US$5 per person.
Restaurant Internacional
Restaurant Internacional, Fernando de la Mora (opposite the bus terminal). A good and not too expensive place. Sometimes with live music. Popular also with ... more
Supermercado El Pais
Supermercado El Pais, Antequera and 25 de Mayo (on the east side of Plaza Uruguaya). open until 21:30, Sunday only until noon. Upstairs is the buffet, with ... more

Burger King
Burger King, Palma between 14 de Mayo and 15 de Agosto. If you fancy something you know. Also open in the evening.
Phone: ☎ +595 21 609 217
Acuarela, Mcal. López 4049 (near San Martin), ☎ +595 21 609 217.
Top Shopping Places
Traveller Cheques
American Express Traveller Cheques can be changed at Banco de la Nacion Argentina (at Plaza de los Heroes). Above average exchange rate, 3 US$ comission. It ... more
Palma is the main shopping street. Pretty much everything you can buy here, you can get cheaper in one of the parallel streets.
Top Places for Nightlife

Coyote, Sucre 1655 (corner San Martin Avenue), [6]. Dance club, fashionable but loud
Britannia Pub
Britannia Pub, Cerro Corá 851, [5]. Tu-F from 19:30, Sa-Su from 20:00. The number 1 hangout for English speaking foreigners, still outnumbered by locals however... more
La Taberna Cafe Or La Tabernita
Phone: ☎ (595) (21) 453620
La Taberna Cafe or La Tabernita, CHILE 1179 between YGATIMI y JEJUI, ☎ (595) (21) 453620 ( 0700-1500 and 1830-late. Is a Cafe Bar ... more
Paseo Carmelitas
Paseo Carmelitas, ☎ (595) (21) 608226, [8]. from morning till late. A gallery with lots of stores to do shopping during the day and an excellent selection of ... more
Planta Alta
Planta Alta, first floor, Caballero 294 (corner Mariscal Estigarribia). W-F 17:00 - 01:00, Sat 21:00 - 03:00. A lounge-style hangout for artistic types, often ... more