Archbishop's Seminary| The Archbishop's Seminary (Arcibiskupský seminář) as an institution for the education of future Catholic priests was founded by Cardinal Ernest von Harrach, archbishop of Prague (Arnošt z Harrachu). He tried to make up for the lack of Catholic priests in the first half of the 17th century, so he bought the former King's Court near the Powder Tower and rebuilt it into the Archbishop's Seminary. Later, the seminary was transferred to KlementinumIn the years between 1928 and 1931 the architect František Havlena built for the Catholic seminary a monumental neoclassical building in Dejvice. A central forward part of the building with the main entrance is decorated with Tuscan semi-columns and above it there is a prismatic tower with a cupola decorated with a cross. In this part of the building there is a hall of residence and a refectory. In the opposite side of the building there is an entrance from Kolejní Street, which leads into the seminary church of St. Adalbert (kostel sv. Vojtěcha) and into the pastoral centre. The church is consecrated, but not decorated and also serves as a theatre, concert hall and projection hall. There is an electronic organ.This Catholic institution was built by Archbishop František Kordač in 1930. It was abolished twice during its short history: at first during the Nazi period for 4 years and for the second time during the communistic era in 1953. A world editorial board of the journal Problems of Peace and Socialism (Otázky míru a socialismu), which was the centre of Marxist propaganda, moved there then. At that time even the cross on the cupola was pulled down. The Theological Faculty was separated out of the Charles University and the diocesan seminaries were cancelled. Consequently, a single Saints Cyril and Methodius Faculty of Theology with a seminary were established for Bohemia and Moravia in Litoměřice. This status was rectified in 1990. At that time, the Theological Faculty was included in the Charles University again; the Archbishop Seminary was re-established and could return into its original building. The cross on the cupola was renewed in 1991.