From the snowy valleys of the Himalayas to the confluence of the oceans in the peninsular tip, the land of the Rishis and Maharajahs has been a destination for all kinds of people at all times. The settlers, the conquerors, and those who came to experience the mysticism of the land left over centuries their footmarks on the soil creating a socio-cultural fabric that covers this vast landscape in myriad patterns, awesome in their diversity, As a tourist destination India is a brand that sells on its own, on the strength of its culture and its history. We welcome you to this great land. Whatever is the nature of your trip, be it study or research, relaxation or just sight-seeing, we at the Hiliya Resort are able to provide you an enjoyable stay in natures own garden and a Kerala life style. From here you can proceed to any part of this state and experience the varied culture of a vibrant community, and then return at your leisure to rest and relax and to start all over again. Take your pick. We at Hiliya Resort are waiting.