Top Places to Visit

Yanardag (burning Mountain)
Yanar Dagh, (Take bus 147 from metro station Azadliq Prospekti to its final destination Yanar Dagh). Yanar Dagh is a mountain that has been continuously on fire... more

Fountain Square
A fountain square is a park or plaza in a city that features a fountain. A fountain square is similar to a town square but is usually smaller and not situated ... more

Maiden's Tower (giz Qalasi)
Maiden's Tower (Giz Qalasi). Daily 10AM-7PM. This mysterious and eccentric tower was built somewhere between the 7th and 12th centuries and may have served as a... more

Martyrs' Lane
Martyrs' Lane, Alley of Martyrs or Şəhidlər Xiyabanı (transliterated to Shehidler Khiyabani), formerly The Kirov Park, is a cemetery and memorial in Baku, ... more
Top Places to Eat
Phone: ☎ +994 012 494-63-00
Maharaja, 131 Akivsat Gykuyev St, ☎ +994 012 494-63-00. Indian Cuisine. 8-15AZN.
Taj Mahal
Phone: ☎ +994 012 498-03-62
Taj Mahal, 18 Khagani St, ☎ +994 012 498-03-62. Indian Cuisine. 3-14AZN.
Top Shopping Places
Halva from Sheki
Traditional Dolls
Traditional dolls created by ladies' groups in Barda
Traditional Breads
Traditional breads from Ganja
Antiques from Old City (İçəri Şəhər)
Apples from Quba
Top Places for Nightlife
Caravan Jazz Club
Phone: ☎ +994 012 97-11-39
Caravan Jazz Club, 4 Aliyev St, ☎ +994 012 97-11-39. You might not expect it, but Baku has a great jazz tradition of its own and this is the place to go. No ... more
Room 103
Phone: ☎ +994 012 92-65-03
Room 103, 103 Neftiçilər Prospekti, ☎ +994 012 92-65-03. An upscale cocktail bar with nightly live jazz.
Phone: ☎ +994 012-498-98-57
Finnegan’s, 4, A. Aliyev St, ☎ +994 012-498-98-57. Next to History Museum. Free wifi. Good beer prices and Happy Hour offers. Ridiculously expensive wine,...
Azza Cafe
Phone: ☎ +994 12 437 0111
Azza Cafe, 1, I. Safarli St/Fountains Sq, ☎ +994 12 437 0111 (, [12]. 12-23.
Aroma Cafe
Phone: ☎ +994 012-598-07-07
Aroma Cafe, 18, U. Hajibayov St, ☎ +994 012-598-07-07.
Caledonia Bar
Phone: ☎ +994 012-494-28-53
Caledonia Bar, 38, Rasul Rza, ☎ +994 012-494-28-53 (dave@Caledoniabar.Com), [14]. 9:30AM-late. Offers a familiar pub atmosphere with photos and memorabilia from... more